Family Law
We understand separation and divorce is a stressful time that's why we aim to achieve the best outcome in the shortest amount of time and in a way that minimizes legal costs.
Our Approach
We understand that dealing with separation and divorce is a stressful and emotional time. We provide you with realistic advice focused on your individual situation, saving you time energy and money, resulting in the best possible outcome for you and your family.
At MPC Lawyers we provide quality advice and representation in all aspects of family law including separation and divorce, property settlements, parenting arrangements and child support.
Our experience ensures we can resolve most family law matters by agreement. When agreement is not possible we will provide representation at court. We handle small matters through to large and complex disputes in the family and Federal Court system. We have a firm commitment to avoid court where it is in our clients best interest to do so. We can assist you with all facets of family law, including:
Binding Financial Agreements;
Divorce Applications;
Property and Financial Settlements;
Children & custody;
Defacto and Same sex couples;
Family violence and Intervention Orders;
Family Trusts;
Wills and Estate Planning;
Sale of property.
Separation is the point at which a relationship between spouses or defacto ends. Sometimes couples disagree about the date of separation. Usually this will not be a issue but sometimes it can be relevant to how property is divided. Seeing a lawyer before you separate can give you more options.
To apply for a divorce you must have been separated from your spouse for a period of twelve months, you do not need to wait until then to work out arrangements for children and a property settlement.
During this time you can still be living together however you will be required to provide additional evidence to the court to prove separation. Applications for divorce are made to the Federal Magistrates Court. Once the application is filed anyone other than you must personally hand your spouse the court documents 28 days before the divorce hearing. If they refuse to accept the documentation, they can be placed on the ground in their presence. When the divorce application is approved the court will order the termination of your marriage to be effective after a further one month and one day.
Filing for divorce is only one part of the process when ending your marriage. The other things to consider include:
Property settlement and asset division;
Updating your will;
Children's arrangements.
De Facto Relationships
You are in a de facto relationship if you and your partner have a relationship as a couple and are living together on a genuine domestic basis. Generally, a de Defacto relationship starts when a couple in a relationship start living together in the same home. However this is not always the case. In some circumstances a couple can be considered to be in a de facto relationship even if they have two residences.
The Family Law Act recognizes that de facto partners can be same sex (gay or lesbian) or heterosexual.
Children's arrangements
If you and your spouse have children under the age of 18 a short hearing will be held whereby court officer will check there is proper arrangements in place to care for the children. The following items need to be considered:
Christmas, birthdays, school holidays;
Change overs;
parenting styles;
decision making;
nights/days per month.
These matters are usually resolved out of court, occasionally we assist parents who have trouble negotiating these terms due to:
Mental Illness;
Vengeful and abusive parents;
Unrealistic spouses;
Drug and alcohol abuse.
The family Law Act places great emphasis on ensuring the children continue to have regular and meaningful contact with each of their parents. Where parents cant agree between themselves mediation is the next step, if this fails you will be issued with a certificate to progress the matter to court in which case you are granting the judge final jurisdiction in parenting orders.
Property and Financial Settlement
Property settlement and asset division are required for separated couples to end their financial relationship. In most cases the parties must first attempt to reach an agreement before proceeding to court. The need for experienced advice is particularly important when:
There is a business to be valued
Third party disputes
Parents of one spouse have contributed more
The other side is spiteful, dishonest or stubborn
Inheritances form a large part of the assets
Taking your dispute to court means allowing a judge to divide all of your respective assets liabilities and finances in a fair manner in accordance within law. The court will insist you try mediation before a final hearing is held.
After separation most grandparents see their children with the agreement of the children's parents. If that is not possible grandparents can apply to the Family Court for an order for their grandchildren to spend time with them. The Family Court recognizes that grandparents and other family members are significant to the care, welfare and development of children.
If you are having difficulty seeing your grandchildren contact our family lawyers for advice. In most cases we may be able to help you negotiate arrangements which work for everyone.

What makes us different
Tailored Advice
Everyone's situation is different. We take the time to find out what is important to you and what you want to achieve for your financial future.
Clear Advice
We explain the law in straightforward terms so you understand your rights and entitlements. We also explain every step of the process so you always know what to expect.
Timely, Cost Effective Solutions
Our goal is to achieve the best outcome for you, as quickly as possible. We understand that you want to move on with your life and focus on the future.
Practical Advice and Options
Family Law disputes can be complex, we explain the procedure and all your options in a practical down to earth manner. This provides you the information you need to take control and make informed decisions about your future.