Contract Law
How we can help
Contracts are composed of terms and conditions that are enforceable through the courts. It is not uncommon for disputes over these terms to arise, especially with commercial or business contracts where large sums of money are involved. At MPC Lawyers we are able to assist with the drafting and revision of contracts and their terms. Obtaining legal advise ensures that the agreement protects your interests and can be preformed in a way that benefits all parties involved.
What is a contract?
Contracts are agreements made between parties which can be legally enforced. Several conditions must be met if a contract is to be legally enforceable, such as:
All parties understand their obligations and expectations;
All parties are clear as to which individuals or entities are bound by the contract;
The intention to create an agreement which is legally enforceable;
One party must of made an offer, which is considered and accepted by another party or parties;
All parties to the contract have given and received something as a result of the agreement.
Some contracts are required by law to be written such as a sale of land. Occasionally contracts are verbal with the terms being implied rather than expressly stated.
A contract is breached when one or more parties do not meet their contractual obligations. The effected party may wish to seek damages for the breach of contract. We can assist with such matters and provide clients with practical advise.